
Member Benefits

  • As an IMCAT member, you will have access to the IMCAT website's members-only pages, which include a membership directory, online community features, and helpful IMC information.
  • Your IMCAT ​membership ​gives ​you ​access ​to ​support ​from ​veteran ​coordinators ​in ​your ​area ​and ​across ​Texas with our mentor program.
  • You will receive all IMCAT member-only emails and a subscription to the IMPulse newsletter.
  • Through ​IMCAT's ​legislative ​representation, ​you will ​know ​what is ​going ​on at ​the Texas Education Agency (TEA), ​at ​the ​State ​Board ​of ​Education (SBOE), ​and ​at ​the ​Legislature. ​ 
  • Only ​IMCAT ​events ​are ​approved ​by ​TEA ​for ​reimbursement ​with IMTA funds.
  • IMCAT ​helps ​you ​work ​smarter for ​Texas students.

How to Become a Member

There are three ways to become an IMCAT member:

  1. Complete the Online Membership Form: To become a member, please complete the online formAnnual membership is $85 and expires December 31 each year.
  2. Join During Summer Institute Registration: Pay the nonmember registration rate and receive a 6-month IMCAT membership (July 1–December 31 of the current year).
  3. Join During I.M. Texas Registration: Pay the registration fees and receive a 12-month IMCAT membership (January 1–December 31 of the following year).

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Who can become an IMCAT member? Membership is only open to representatives of public schools and open-enrollment charter schools.
  • How can I check my membership status? Check your membership status and/or expiration date by logging into your member profile here.

IMCAT Partners